
My name is Gabby.  

I am a weight loss mindset coach and I lost half my body weight through exercise, eating right, and a little (or a lot of) soul searchin’.

 I'm here to motivate you, inspire you, and make you laugh on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

How To Fix A Negative Body Image

How To Fix A Negative Body Image

Do You Suffer From A Negative Body Image?

Not being happy with how your body looks and having a negative body image are two very different things.

Not being happy with what your body looks like is usually a result of simply wishing you had a leaner or more fit body. You know what you need to do, but you’ve been slacking or dragging your heels at getting started on your health journey.

Having a negative body image is a much deeper issue. A negative body image is when we see our body in a distorted and unrealistic way. We not only perseverate and focus on our flaws, but we see ones that aren’t even there. A negative body image is more likely in those who have perfectionist personality traits as well as those who are highly self-critical.

You may also have a negative body image if:

  • You obsessively scrutinize yourself in the mirror and/or have a preoccupation with your physical appearance

  • You often think or say disparaging and negative comments about your body

  • You often compare your body to others and feel inadequate

  • You feel uncomfortable or awkward in your body

  • You take extreme measures to avoid seeing your body

  • You compulsively check and recheck your body with actions such as weighing yourself repeatedly, measuring your body parts, or pinching your skin

  • You find yourself being envious and jealous of others’ bodies (friends, strangers, or even celebrities)

  • You excessively groom and/or wear excessive makeup or wear baggy clothes to camouflage your body

  • You feel extremely self-conscious or ashamed of your body

  • You experience overwhelming negative emotions when you think about your body

  • You refuse to have your picture taken

Losing weight doesn’t magically make you love your body if you have a negative body image. If you truly do suffer from a negative body image, you will find flaws in whatever body you have. You will always chase 'perfection' and never reach it.

Fixing a negative body image does not involve losing weight.

Fixing a negative body image involves repairing your self-image through building your self-esteem and self-confidence, uncovering the real reason you feel so disconnected and unhappy with yourself, and installing new positive and constructive core beliefs that will allow you to treat yourself in a loving and compassionate way.

Here are some ways to foster a positive self-image:

  • Write down the negative things you say or think about your body and then rewrite those statements in a more loving and self-respecting way.

  • Explore activities that allow you to discover how your body works and what it can really do so that you can gain a whole new appreciation for it.

  • Surround yourself with loving, accepting, and positive people, in real life and online.

  • Detox yourself from social media and unfollow any accounts that make you feel like shit about yourself.

  • Write a list of all the things you like about yourself.

  • Befriend your body and become its ally and advocate, not its enemy.

I’m wishing you all a reflective and productive rest of your week.


If you are suffering from a negative body image, food addiction, and/or bingeing, I can help you take control.

>> If you find yourself having several of the negative body image symptoms above, I can help! My 3 Month Weight Loss Mindset Program tackles food, weight, and body issues head on, while resetting your weight loss mindset. Self-esteem and self-confidence building is an integral part of the program and is essential in helping you remove your harmful core beliefs regarding your body image and weight issues, all of which are tied to your block. Find food freedom and body acceptance and no longer be chained by compulsions and obsessions.

*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.


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