
My name is Gabby.  

I am a weight loss mindset coach and I lost half my body weight through exercise, eating right, and a little (or a lot of) soul searchin’.

 I'm here to motivate you, inspire you, and make you laugh on your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

10 Self-Care Ideas

10 Self-Care Ideas

What Is Self-Care?

I’m not going to spend a lot of time defining self-care, because it is obviously a little different for everyone. But as a whole and to define it in an almost generic way so that it applies to almost everyone, self-care is a mindset. But within that mindset, self-care encompasses all of the practices and activities that we engage in regularly in order to combat against stress, negativity, and unwanted feelings. Self-care is everything we do to try to stay happy and healthy.

All of the following suggestions will not only let you pass some time enjoyably and allow you to relish in the moment of what you’re doing, but they will also set up future and regular moments of peace in your life. The ultimate self care activities not only let you relish the here and now feel-good moments, but also allow you to continue to experience and appreciate the benefits that is bred from those activities.

10 Ways To Practice Self-Care

1 Tidy Up Your Bedroom

Where you sleep and relax should be a sanctuary. Tidy up and clean your bedroom so that every time you go in there you feel peaceful when winding down for the day and so you can wake up refreshed in clean and tidy surroundings. This would also create a very relaxing atmosphere if perhaps you’d like to start reading before bed each night, which would be another amazing self-care activity to implement. Reading in your fresh and decluttered bedroom would be a self-care twofer!

  • Wash bedding. Fresh sheets and blankets are always so fabulous. Sleep is SOOO important for a good life! Do everything you can to ensure a great night’s sleep. Fresh and clean bedding is an easy way to feel comforted and safe when it’s time to rest your head at the end of a long day.

  • Make your bed every morning. This will do wonders for not only the look of your room, but your mental state every time you walk through the door. Your room will instantly look cleaner and more inviting and according to research, you will automatically feel more productive.

  • Pick up everything off of floor and declutter. Research shows that decluttering creates a more calm environment.

  • You can even rearrange furniture if you have the ability. Sometimes a whole new look inspires us and breeds positive emotions.

2 Create Morning & Night Time Routines

Having a set schedule in regards to anything can be very comforting and calming. But having set morning and/or bedtime routines in place can be extra healing. These are the steps we take to set up our day and then put our days to rest. How wonderful is it to put in place two times in each day to dedicate to you and your well-being!

  • Make a short routine up for each morning and for bedtime.

  • Include calming practices. Examples: meditation or prayer are great additions to any morning or bedtime routine.

  • Morning routine can include things that will set your day up to be happy and productive. Examples: Read 5 minutes of positive quotes, write in a gratitude journal, eat breakfast, make your bed.

    Bedtime routine can include activities that will calm you and get you in a restful state. Examples: Skincare routine, massage hands and feet, prep or make lunch for following day, put phone away and read in bed, use a sleep-inducing oil blend in your diffuser.

3 Start a Gratitude Journal

  • Each day write down what you’re grateful for, what good things happened that day

  • You can also use your journal to make lists: Bucket lists, vacation wishlist, list of books you want to read or movies you want to watch, list of positive quotes, Netflix list, podcast list, any lists at all!

  • If you don’t know where to start, here’s a fun Self-Care Workbook that includes a gratitude log along with a ton of different self-care pages including a morning and bedtime routine log and ALL of the above mentioned lists!

4 Make a Sentimental Recipe

  • Make a meal from your childhood or one of your grandmother’s famous recipes, something that evokes nostalgia and good feelings

  • If you don’t have the recipe, ask an older family member for it or try to find it online.

  • Don’t rush through it. Be mindful and cherish the process, even when you’re at the grocery store, take extra time to pick the most beautiful produce/ingredients for your meal.

  • Cook and eat your meal with intention and cherish the memories.

  • If you’re cooking a meal that a beloved used to make and is no longer here, you can even set a place for them at your table when you sit down to eat the meal. This will bring you closer to them and allow you to spend time with the memories they gifted you. And if you’re a believer in heavenly visitors (like I am), they may even decide to stop by for a short visit. After all you did leave a place setting for them and gave them a clear sign you’ve been thinking of them :)

5 Learn Something You Always Wanted To Do

  • Learn a new language. Use the app Duolingo. It’s awesome. My whole family uses it. We are all trying to learn italian for a dream extended family vacation someday.

  • Learn an instrument by watching youtube or purchasing a master class. Or take songwriting classes or singing classes online. Why not?! Music will bring so much joy into your life.

  • Learn how to crochet, knit, or sew. These skills end up being relaxing activities that let us wind-down and de-stress.

  • Learn how to draw or paint or any other artistic endeavor. There are so many ways to learn through the internet.

  • Maybe you always wanted to french braid your hair or some fancy bun or twist. Watch videos and learn it!

6 Organize Something

Find something in your home to organize that you use daily or at least very regularly. The act of organizing itself will bring order and control to your emotions, but in a practical sense it will improve the quality of your home life. Pick something that has been bothering you. Maybe it’s your unruly clothes closet or your medicine cabinet. Maybe it’s your spice cabinet or lack there of. Maybe it’s your pantry or linen closet or attic. Whatever it is that stresses you out all the time… fix it! Discard the stuff you don’t need, donate the stuff others could use, organize what’s left. Make your life easier by getting your shit together, even if its in just one little corner of your life (or house). Organized spaces are good for our mental health and it may spark new ideas for other areas of your home.

  • Don’t look at this activity like a chore or a dreaded task. Look at this like a life-changing activity that you are doing to make yourself feel better for today and every day that follows. Put some music on and jam the hell out. Maybe take time to make a brand new playlist for when you’re going to do work on your organization project. Creating the playlist itself is a self-care act. you are actively spending time working on something that will lift your spirits and make you feel good. These twofer self-care activities (like #1, reading in your freshly tidied up bedroom, are solid gold.

  • Often just one simple completed organizational project will spark more. This could very likely start the most wonderful domino effect within your home. I can’t stress enough… organized spaces breed feelings of happiness, peace, and order. You can never have enough.

7 Make a Vision Board or Start a Bullet Journal

Start manifesting your dreams by making a vision board.

  • Get some sturdy poster board and start decorating it with all of your dreams and wishes. Maybe a picture of a new house or car, a dream job, or a dream vacation.

8 Actually Plan a Dream Vacation

I’m not saying actually go on a dream vacation, although that would be totally insanely awesome. No, I’m just saying to plan it! Like the whole she-bang. Look up plane tickets and hotels or Air bnbs, even what bathing suit you’d buy for the beach… all of it. This is a fun way to have some me-time. It’s good to be a dreamer. The more we dream and think of good things, the more good things come to us. Fill your mind with happy and positive thoughts!

  • Dedicate a separate notebook for all of your vacation ideas and planning. Tape pictures in there and use pretty markers. OR You can make a whole separate vision board for just your dream vacation!

  • If you want to take this a step farther and enter into some real-life manifesting, start up a savings jar or set up a recurring transfer into a bank account, even $5 or $10 a week! Any little amount to save up for your dream. This brings us to our next self-care idea.

9 Create a Budget

I know this doesn’t sound very fun or glamorous in any way, but getting control of your financial situation is one of the very best gifts you can give yourself. Having a plan and being in control of your finances significantly improves the quality of your life! Living paycheck to paycheck and/or constantly worrying about your debt or money issues is a sure fire way to always be constantly stressed. Take a few hours and sit down and create a budget, write everything down and figure it out once and for all. It will bring you so much peace of mind!

  • If you’ve never budgeted before, take a weekend and make a budget. You’ll be shocked at how much faster you can pay down debt and save up for something special when you have a budget plan! It also brings you peace of mind and you feel confident that you will accomplish your goals because you have a clear plan in place. It feels so good to be in control of your destiny!

  • I also use the online-only bank, Ally Bank. It’s wonderful! You can set up buckets! Each bucket is its own little virtual savings jar. I have buckets for a vacation, a new MacBook, and a bathroom redo. It can be anything. I just have a few dollars each week going into each of them but it adds up after time and you don’t even have to think about it because the recurring transfers are automatic!

  • If you don’t know where to start, here’s an easy guide on how to set a budget!

10 Plant Something

Gardening in any capacity has an enormous positive impact on or mental state. If you don't have a yard or it’s winter and off-season for growing plants, start a window sill herb garden or care for a houseplant.

  • Having fresh herbs on hand is just always a fabulous idea. It takes even the simplest recipes to next-level delicious and there is something so satisfying about plucking leaves off of your own plants and adding them to your recipes. Most herb plants are very easy to grow and take care of, so you can become a successful gardener in no time. I love to grow mint and I chew on the leaves to feel energized or when I have an upset stomach. I also make tea out of my mint leaves! To make homemade mint tea, pluck about 12-14 leaves off of your mint plant and steep in 8 ounces of boiling water for 3-5 minutes or until it looks somewhat yellowish.

  • In relation to house plants, a great one to start with is one that’s easy to grow but also is healing, like an aloe plant! For cuts or very minor burns, simply cut off part of the largest aloe leaf, squeeze, and apply to skin.

10 Self-Care Ideas

>> If you have truly looked inside yourself and just can't find concrete answers to why you haven't been able to lose the weight, even after multiple attempts, then you're battling a subconscious weight loss block. Almost every single person who has tried over and over to lose weight for 10 years or more has a weight loss block. I'm here to help.

My specialty is removing weight loss blocks. You can learn more about how we would work 1:1 together to remove your block here: 3 Month Weight Loss Mindset Coaching Package.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is only for individuals who have tried for many, many years to lose weight and have not been able to find success. This program is not designed for newly overweight individuals or individuals with unrealistic weight loss goal deadlines. This program is designed for LIFELONG results and requires you to commit to a lot of inner work and be willing to dig deep. In this program I will work with you and we will identify, find the root cause of, and completely and permanently remove your weight loss block(s).

*The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. I am not a doctor, nor am I a dietitian. Talk to your physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise regimen. The information found in this article is from various sources which include, but are not limited to, the sites listed above. I encourage you to do your own research and talk with your physician before making any changes in diet or exercise. What has worked for me may not work for you. This information in this article or on this website should never replace or serve as medical advice.


*Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires all affiliates to put a disclaimer on their website/blog. I will be providing links just as I've always done but now will receive a very small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase an item through the affiliate link that I provide. An affiliate link is simply a link that brings you to a place where you can buy that product. I will not earn a commission by you simply clicking on the link, you must actually purchase the item(s) within 24 hours of putting it in your Amazon cart. Prices are exactly the same for you if you purchase through an affiliate link on Half of Gabby. You will NOT pay more by clicking through the link. My promise to you is that I will never recommend a product that I don’t fully 100% believe in and/or use myself and recommend to close friends and family.

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